1st Class Kid Travel Pillow
After packing, dragging luggage, and standing in those lengthy airport cues, the last thing you want once boarded, is to be stuck in one position when your child falls asleep across your lap — and all just after takeoff!

The 1st Class Kid Travel Inflatable Footrest is designed so young children can spread out to sleep, rather than lie across other accompanying passengers. The 1st Class Kid Travel Pillow fits on the floor in between the passenger seats and does not interfere with the seat in front.
Although the 1st Class Kid pillows‘ primary intended use is for traveling on long-haul flights the 1st Class Kid Travel Pillow can be used by all ages
anywhere you need to prop up your feet.
1st Class Kid Travel Pillow can be inflated via 3 Options:
1. Manually: Please watch our manual inflation video
2. Via Air Vents Or
3. Optional Pump.
Sold separately or package deals available.
If you live outside of the USA we have distributors located in
Hong Kong, Netherlands, & Singapore. Our distributors are ‘sole operators’ so please contact them directly –
See our International page for more info.
Note: For all Inflatable Footrests presently NOT recommended on
British Airways, Air Canada, Emirates, Air France, Qantas, United & Air NZ Flights.
Please check with your airline. Click For more info